Sagot :
A 10-Step Process for Environmental Scanning
Step 1: County Team Conduct Situational Analysis Using Secondary Data
Step 2: List Issues that Are Important Based on Secondary Data
Step 3: Conduct Situational Analysis Using Primary Data from Major Stakeholder Groups
Step 4: Map County to Obtain Primary Data from a Cross Section of the Population
Step 5: Collect Primary Data in Each of the Mapped Areas
Step 6: List Issues that Consistently Surfaced as Important in Step 2, Step 3, and Step 5
Step 7: Conduct External Assets Assessments
Step 8: Prioritize Issues
Step 9: Examine the Complexity and Interdisciplinary Nature of Priority Issues
Step 10: Each County Enter Priority Issues, Internal and External Assets, and the Integrated Programming Strategies to Address the Issues into the Web-Based NCCE County Priority Issues Database