POST TEST IDENTIFICATION: Write your answer on the space provided. 1. The official who is in charge of the game 2. The specialized player who is the last line of defense, who is allowed to control the ball with his hands when in the goal area 3. The rectangular area in front of the goal in which the goalkeeper may handle the ball. It is also known as the 18-yard box because of its dimensions 4. A card is issued to a player when that player has committed a serious infraction or has been issued with two yellow cards within the same game. 5 The soccer field of play 6. The two boundary lines located at each end of the field. 7 A kick awarded to an opposition player when an player has committed a foul. Free kicks can be either direct or indirect. 8. The term used for soccer in Europe and other countries outside of North America and Australia 9. Keeping control of the ball while running 10. A player whose job is to play the ball forward towards the opponent's goal area to create a scoring opportunity 11. A player whose job is to stop the opposition attacking players from goal scoring 12. A pass that a player makes back toward their own goal, usually made back to the goalkeeper. This is often a defensive move to restart a new phase of play. 13. A spectacular move in which a player jumps in the air in a backflip motion, kicking the ball backward over their head. 14. A pass in which the ball is played on with a player's first touch. 15. The playing position for players that are responsible for linking play between attackers and defenders.