
1. It occurs when group or individuals receive less of what we regard as valuable goods in the society.
a. socialinequality
b. social responsibility c. socialservice
d. social wealth
2. This refers to the possession one has such as bank accounts and other objects with monetary value.
a. fame
b. prestige c. power d. wealth
3. It is the authority to influence over others’ will. a. possession
b. power c. prestige d. wealth

4. It is the respect or regard to someone due to his/her achievements and superiority.
a. possession b. power
c. prestige
d. wealth
5. The following does NOT imply inequality except ________. a. apersonwakingupat5o’clockinthemorning
b. an unequal distribution of resources in the society c. havingcarinyourgarage
d. theorganizationofparentsinschool
6. It is the unequal sharing of resources and social rewards.
a. b. c. d.
7. Which a. b. c. d.
8. Which a. b. c. d.
socialinequality social responsibility socialservice
social wealth
among the following indicates ‘wealth’ in our society? abilitytocontrolandinfluenceothers
assets and income
respect,honor, recognition or courtesy an receives from others
among the following indicates ‘prestige’ in our society? abilitytocontrolandinfluenceothers
assets and income
respect,honor, recognition or courtesy an receives from others
9. It is a standard of living that is below the minimum level considered adequate by the society.
a. possession b. poverty
c. prestige
d. prosperity
10. The following are parts of person’s wealth EXCEPT ________. a. ahousethatsheowns
b. a trip ticket to be received as gift on her next birthday c. herclothesandjewelries
d. moneyinhersavingsaccount
11. It occurs when an individual does not have the same level of material wealth or overall living economic condition compared to others.
a. inequalityofoutcome b. opportunity inequality c. politicalinequality
d. treatmentinequality
12. A type of social inequality where groups in the society do not experience equality in value is called ____________.

a. inequalityofoutcome b. membershipinequality c. opportunityinequality d. politicalinequality
13.It pertains to unequal ability to access government resources and unequal political participation.
a. membershipinequality b. opportunity inequality c. politicalinequality
d. treatmentinequality
14. It is a type of inequality where people living in the same society do not have the same access to same opportunities because of their social location.
a. membershipinequality b. opportunity inequality c. politicalinequality
d. treatmentinequality
15. It is a situation where some people benefit more and can quickly receive more privileges than others.
a. membershipinequality b. opportunity inequality c. politicalinequality
d. treatmentinequality