identify what sensory imagery is used in statement
On rainy afternoons, embroidering with a group of friends on the begonia porch, she would lose the thread of the conversation and a teat of nostalgia would salt her palate when she saw the strips of damp earth and the piles of mud that the earthworms had pushed up in the garden. Those secret tastes, defeated in the past by oranges and rhubarb, broke out into an irresponsible urge when she began to weep. she went back to eating earth. The first time she did it almost out of curiosity, sure that the bad taste would be the best cure for the temptation. and, in fact, she could not bear the earth in her mouth. but she preserved, overcome by the growing anxiety, and little by little she was getting back her ancestral appertite, the taste of primary minerals, the unbridled satisfaction of what was the original food. ( One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez)