C Major Scale f F Major Scale C D E F G A B C G Major Scale F G A B c 8 B с GA D E F# Answer the following questions. Look at the illustrations above as your guide 1. How many notes are there in the C Major Scale? 2. How many notes are there in the G Major Scale? 3. How many notes are there in the F Major Scale? 4. What is the first pitch name of the first note in C major scale? 5. What is the first pitch name of the first note in G major scale? 6. What is the first pitch name of the first note in F major scale? 7. Where you can find the first note on the staff in C Major Scale? 8. Where you can find the first note on the staff in G Major Scale? 9. Where you can find the first note on the staff in F Major Scale? 10. What are the names of the scale shown above?