
TEST #3: By observing the statements below, ENCIRCLE the CONJUNCTIONS used in the sentences.
11. Mr. Sia did not panic although his car had broken down in the desert.
12. He was admitted to the university despite the fact that his grades were low.
13. Even though Rodrigo Duterte is an honest politician, I would not vote for him because of his views on foreign
14. He wasn't thirsty but he drank a cup of coffee with his friends.
15. I still trust him even though he lied to me.
16. My trip to New York was very enjoyable though it was very expensive.
17. Although the work was hard, they enjoyed themselves.
18. He enjoyed living in New York even though the language was difficult to understand.
19 & 20. John F. Kennedy was not only addressed to the Americans but was meant for all people of the world.​