Determine the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence using context clues.
______ 1. Because the birds began their migration in Texas, they didn’t have to travel very far fly south. a. chirping b. moving around c. singing d. clucking
______ 2. I meandered through the mall taking my time looking at all the clothes in the windows. a. hurried b. wandered c. ran d. jogged
______ 3. The news story was based on a letter that was a fabrication. Now the reporter who wrote the story is in big trouble. a. fake b. made of cloth c. full of long words d. funny
______ 4. Matthew has such a kind disposition that he always helps people. a. show-off b. friend c. attitude d. enemy
______ 5. The principal encouraged the students to economize their weekly allowances rather than wasting it on junk food a. spend b. invest c. save d. give
______ 6. Ms. Santos reprimanded a student for throwing paper airplanes in class. a. arrested b. scolded c. rewarded d. praised
______ 7. They were ecstatic at the birth of their baby. They couldn't stop smiling for days. a. nervous b. discouraged c. watchful d. excited
______ 8. The frightened baby trembled when he couldn't find his mother. a. yelled b. laughed c. shook d. shouted
______ 9. The debris on the stadium floor included numerous paper cups, ticket stubs, and cigarette butts. a. products b. trash c. papers d. wood
______ 10. The coach takes every opportunity to censure his players, yet he ignores every opportunity to praise them. a. criticize b. approve of c. choose d. shout