
What is the role of musical instrument and voice and music? ​

Sagot :


Musical instruments are devices used to produce musical sound. Instruments also express individual and community identities and reflect physical geographies.

Vocal music is music that uses and focuses on the human voice. It's the opposite of instrumental music, which uses instruments like brass or percussion instead of the voice. ... Some vocal music is done a cappella, which is music that uses just human voices with no instrumental accompaniment.

The human voice can be thought of as the ultimate melodic instrument, because it is capable of instant expression with no instrument required to translate thoughts and feelings into sound. ... There are many different sounds used in various styles of singing, including slides, dips, growls, pure bell like tones, etc.

type of musical instrument

The most common types of instrument classifications are strings, brass, woodwind, percussion and keyboard

Some recordings which include brief or non-musical use of the human voice are typically considered instrumentals. Examples include songs with the following: Short verbal interjections (as in "Tequila" or "Topsy" or "Wipe Out" or "The Hustle" or "Bentley's Gonna Sort You Out")

Vocal music typically features sung words called lyrics, although there are notable examples of vocal music that are performed using non-linguistic syllables, sounds, or noises, sometimes as musical onomatopoeia, such as jazz scat singing.



