
Exercise 4
Directions: Read and solve the problems. Select the letter of the como mawar trom the
choices given
1. Indonesia has a population of 285 thousand. This is about son of the population of Metro
Manila. What is the population of Metro Manial?
b. 600
b. 570
c. 625
d. 535
2. 30 out of 40 pupils say Mathematics is their favorite subject. What percent of the pupils
like Mathematics?
a. 80%
b. 70% c. 75% d. 65%
3.350 grade 6 pupils were in the list who will take a competitive Admission Test for
incoming Grade 7. On the day of examination, 98% of the pupils took the test. How
many pupils took the test?
b. 343
b. 350
c. 402
d. 416
4.maria has an allowence of PHP2,500.00. if she spends php1,800.00 for her food what percent of her allowance does she spend for her food?
5.50% of the students in a class 34 students has glasses or contacts. how many students in class have either glasses or contacts