
what is your idea about life and death​

Sagot :


Life is an opportunity to do things, with life, you can go through happiness, hardships and struggles. While death is peaceful, but you can't do things that you can do while you're alive.


I'm alive but I'm dead


Death and life are inseparable concepts

In this article considered a calm and a peaceful attitude to a life, a death and an immortality, a pursuit to an enlightenment and a deliverance from evil. The life and the death are the eternal themes that exist in spiritual culture of the humanity. Prophets and founders of religions, philosophers and moralists, art and literature figures, pedagogues and medical worker think about these problems. People try to understand the mystery existence of human and to solve such eternal issues as «What is the life? How can we prolong our lives? What is the death? What will happen after death? Can the human avoid the death and achieve the immortality? What is the reigning power in our world: the life or the death?» The death and the potential immortality are the most interesting problems that attract the philosophers, because our everyday life needs to be connected with an immortal life. The human has to think about the death and these thoughts distinguish him from animal, what is mortal but it doesn’t realize it.

The words life and death completely depend on each other it`s not understandable to fathom them separately. As you simply understand, what is a life with death, it`s also important to know what`s the death without life. As every thing has their opposits, for instance night and day, white and black, so existence of death, makes us understand the meaning of life. Allah said: «Oh, people! He created death and life to experience who is better in their good deed». (Surah, Mulik, 2-ayat). Looking over, we understand that death and life are existed as exams, so there is no meaning of life without death.