SY. 2020-2021 ne: NATHAN OAVE LAUREIE Score: de/Sec.:52uror ruban Parent's Signature etermine the parts of the reproductive system by arranging the jumbled letters in each item. Write the rect word on the blank. XCRI 1. It is located below the uterus. Riverse INE 2. It is the external male organ. Penis EENS 3. It is the mixture of fluid and sperm. ESSTT 4. They produce sperm cell. ODUTIV 5. It carries egg cell from the ovary to the uterus. IERAUR 6. It is the passageway of both urine and semen TURU 7. It provides food to the developing fetus. IEVOS 8. They produce female reproductive hormones. ASTERP ADLNG 9. It secrets fluid that is mixed with sperm cells.