
Write the letter of the correct answer on the prevention of the disease.

1. This pertains to the host or patient being places in another room to prevent spread of

the disease.

a. Disinfection b. Sterilization c. Isolation 2. This happened to anyone upon arrival that travelled from places with SARS, AH1N1

d. Fumigation

or COVID-19,

a. Fumigation

b. Health Education

c. quarantine

d. fumigation

3. This is a complete killing of organic pathogen and microbes. a. Disinfection b. Sterilization C. immunization

4. This is the removal

d. quarantine

of some or the majority of organic pathogens.

a. Disinfection b. Sterilization c. immunization d. quarantine 5. This is the method of pest control using gaseous pesticides.

a. Disinfection

b. Quarantine

c. fumigation

d. Sterilization​