
how are you going to face death?

Sagot :


Facing death is rather like facing the future, or any concept of the unknown. Any discomfort we derive from reflection upon entering into another of life's mysteries is processed by trying to fit it into what we know already about life and applying logic about something we know nothing about. We can only imagine what it "must be like". Nothing could be more inappropriate than using this technique to approach the concept of death.

We are taught that death is a finality of existence. This is wholly in error. We are taught such things because people don't truly understand the nature of life and its cycles. Greater truth lies within each of us and is awakened when we cease seeking answers from a fragmented world filled with shoddy, haphazard, "fast food" convictions of reality. We wrap our emotions around the axel of teachings born of sheer ignorance, we moarn, we suffer, and we seek strength to tolerate situations perceived that are not even the truth. We have many rituals in this world around illusions. The masses gather together to cement convictions having no basis in reality and fear is born in the confronting of them. They say, "That is just how life is." But this does the truth a great injustice.

There is no finality of existence. We have been taught after being born here, that we will die here. We think we exist as human beings for a few years and that's that. So we worry over the fate of this human self while keeping in mind its perceived weaknesses, its seeming disconnect with all else, and its proclivity throughout life of only fleeting happiness in tandem with unfulfilled dreams, unanswered questions and tolerance of the pain we must endure. So that's it then? We jump on board the Carnival Cruise of misery with bouts of pseudo happiness then bite the dust? That scenario is unbelievably nonsensical. Is that all the creator of all that exists could fathom for humanity? Of course not. That is human diminishment of life's meaning born of human lack of development. How could even planets exist for thousands of years, but sentient human beings are zapped into view for only 80 or 90 years and that's it? Some don't survive childhood. Others turn right around and leave this planet at birth. People just don't think. They think they do, but they don't.

The predominant understanding of death is like a sliding door off its track or a shoulder out of joint. It is hurting the human heart and it isn't even true.

To understand what the word "death" really means, we must begin to embrace a more expansive vision of who we really are, and what life really is. Here is where humanity falters, giving way to its absurd perception of death.

We are energy. All of life is born of the fabric of what is called Self Aware Consciousness. Consciousness is living, vital, powerful, magnificent! All of life, this world and beyond this world is the presence of dimensions of energy, each with its own energetic principles and laws.
