
A. T-test for two dependent samples
B. Spearman's rho
C. Chi-square
13. V
A. Easily
B. Sequential
5. Which of the following statements is true about the conduct of experimental research?
A. There is no random assignment of individuals.
B. Individual subjects are randomly assigned.
C. Groups are exposed to presumed cause.
D. Intact groups are used.
14. What is the purpose of Pears
A difference between sets of data
B. difference between two sets of
C. degree of effect research inter
D. relationship between two con
6. What is the difference between quasi-experimental research and experimental research?
A. Only one dependent variable is used in quasi-experimental research, while multiple
dependent variables can be used in quasi-experimental research,
B. Intact groups are used in experimental, while quasi-experimental randomly
assigned individuals into groups.
C. Participants for groups are randomly selected in experimental, but not quasi-
experimental research.
D. The researcher controls the intervention in the experimental group, but not quasi-
experimental research.
15. What statistical technique shou
determine the differences bety
local government response ?"
A. T-Test for two depend
B. T-Test for independs
7. Why would a researchers choose to use Simple Random Sampling as a sampling
A. To consider giving equal chance to the member of accessible population being
selected as part of the study.
B. To make sure that all subcategories of the population are represented in the
selection of sample,
C. To group the entire population into clusters since the location of the samples are
widely spread.
D. To systematically choose samples from a given list of individuals
8. When can we consider a research sample as "best?"
A. representative of population
C. conveniently represented
B. systematically chosen
D. purposely selected
9. Given that your study will use stratified random sampling, wherein population of your scope
is 250 with a computed sample size of 152, how many samples for each strata will you have
if group 1 has 92, group 2 has 86, and group 3 has 72 population?
A. Group 1 = 52, Group 2 = 54, Group 3 = 46
B. Group 1 = 56, Group 2 = 45, Group 3 = 51
C. Group 1 = 52, Group 2 = 52, Group 3 = 44
D. Group 1 = 54, Group 2 = 56, Group 3 = 41
10. What type of reliability is measured by administering two tests identical in all aspects
except the actual wording of items?
A. Internal Consistency Reliability C. Test-retest reliability
B. Equivalent Forms Reliability
D. Inter-rater Rellability​