1. It is a form of 'work, which results in tangible output, for example, molding and carving. a. Craft b. Art c. Element
2 It is a Lenten rites held annually on Holy Week on the Island of Marinduque, Philippines. a. Hanunoºo b. Moriones c. Pakudos
3 It is one of the scripts indigenous to the Philippines and is used by the Mangyan people of southern Mindoro. a. Hanunoºo b. Moriones c. Pakudos
4 It is widely acknowledge to be one of lhe finest Philippine pre colonial artworks over produced and is considered a masterpiece of Philippine ceramics. a. Bay-ong b. Moriones c. Manunggul Jar
5. It is a hand-woven traditional bag of the Hanuho Mangyans, made of buri (palm leaf) a. Bay-ong b. Moriones c. Manunggul Jar
6 It is known for its fine marble products. a. Romblon b. Marinduque c. Bohol
7. It is made from abaca wine and indigenous plants like banana a. Sinamay b. Banig c. Unukay
8. It is a wrap-around piece of cloth wom by women as a skirt and is usually paired with kimono. a. Patadyong b. Sinamay c. Tingkop
9. It means "make believe Ati". a. Sinamay b. Ati-atihan c. Moriones