
Modified True or False. Directions. Write T if the statement is true and Write F if the statement is False.
____1. Stealing money from your parents is an Omission sin.
____2. Robbery is a Venial sin.
____3. Not helping other people is an Omission sin.
____4. Not attending Mass every Sunday without a valid reason is a Venial Sin.
____5. Adam and Ela are our first parents who disobeyed God.
____6. Stealing something expensive is a Venial Sin.
____7. A sin personally committed by a person with knowledge and consent is a personal sin.
____8. Killing a person who is innocent is a Venial Sin.
____9. Too much drinking liquor is a Commission Sin.
____10. Stealing cloths from your neighbor is a Venial Sin.
____11. Suicide is a Omission Sin.
____12. Lying is a Venial Sin.
____13. Making false stories to your neighbor is an original sin.
____14. Taking prohibited drugs is Venial Sin.​