20. Which animal reproduces sexually by laying eggs in water? D frog A buterih C chicken B.cat A frog 21. Which of the following organisms is NOT included in the group? B. jelly fish C. mollusk D sea horse 22. Which of the following looks like its parent animal when bom alive? B. butterly Cockroach D. goat 23. Chicks are hatched from ges Goals are born alne and look like their parents. Frogs undergo many grow. What can you inler from these observations? A al animals are born alne B. all animals are hatched from eges C. drillerent animals move in different ways D. different animals reproduce in different ways 24. Which is NOT TRUE about reproduction in animals A. some animals reproduce sexually B. fertilization can happen outside female animal's body C. all animals reproduce with the same mode of reproduction D fertilization occurs inside the book for some female animals