Anonymgo Anonymgo Health Answered the healthy community should meet the basic needs of every individual. *Option 1HAPPYOption 2SAD2. The community is the place where everyone can enjoy healthfully *Option 1HAPPYOption 2SAD This is a required question3. Healthy school should have clean classrooms and rest rooms. *Option 1HAPPYOption 2SAD4. The health workers are for young children patient. *Option 1HAPPYOption 2SAD5. the physical appearance of the healthy school and community should be visible and achievable *Option 1SADOption 2SAD6. Behavior of the pupils should educate only by another pupils *●Option 1HAPPY○Option 2SAD7. Maintaining water and electric supply are essential services to sustain healthy school and community environment *●Option 1HAPPY○Option 2SAD8. Discrimination and abuse are allowed in the school. *●Option 1HAPPY○Option 2SAD9. To build a healthy community it should only between health workers and local government unit. *●Option 1HAPPY○Option 2SAD10. Healthy school and community must promote social harmony to each individual *●Option 1HAPPY○Option 2SADPAKISAGUT PO