
1. A.__ is a series at tones arranged to lowest to
highest A. notation B. Scale C. Octave
2. The standard key in music A. C Major B. FMaj C.
3. A Major key that doesn't have a sharp or flat at
the beginning of the staff. A. Cmajor B. Fmaj c. Gmaj
4. The letter names in music ABCDEFG are called A.
Pitch names B. SO-FA syllables C. Time Signature
5. A sign that lowers the tone halt stop. A. Sharp B.
Flat C. Natural Sign
6. The flat on the F Major is found on the line.
A. 1st
C. 3rd
7. A sign that raises the toone one step higher is
called A. Sharp B. Flat C. Natural Sign
8. Another term for that halt step tone is a
A. Whole Step B. Semi-Tone C. Scale
9. A sign that cancels the effect of sharp and flats
and return the pitch to its original tone. A. Sharp B. Flat
C. Natural Sign
10. are the genius people who make tunes and
melodies of song A. Composers B. Arrangers C.