
3. What is the tem used for tropical cyclone used in the northeasterm part of the Paciñc Ocean and in the
northem part of the Atiantic Ocsan?
a. humicane b. tomado c. typhoon d. whirtwind

5. what is the required temperature of warm water in order to fonn a tropica! cyclone?
a. 25.6 C b. 26.5 Cc C. 26.0 C d. 25.0 C
6. What is the usual track or direction of a iropical cyclone once it enters the Philippine Area of Responsibility?
a. southwest b. southeast c. northwest d. northeast

7. What is the coect sequence of tropical cyclone in increasing wind speed?
a. typhoons, super typhoon, trapicai storm, severe tropical storm, ropical depression
b. tropical depression, typhoon, tropical stormm, severe tropicet storm, super typhoon
c. typhoon, tropicai storm, severe tropical storm, tropical depression, super typhoon
d. tropical depression, tropical storm, severe tropical storm, typłhoon, super typhoon
8. What is the meaning of the acronym PAGASA?
a. Phiippine Atmnospheric Geophysicat Astrological Services Adrministration
b. Phiippine Autonomous Geophysicai Astronormica! Services Administration
C. Philippines Atmospheric Geagraphicat Astronomical Services Adninistration
d. Philippines Atmospheric Geophysical Astronomical Services Administration
9. Which of the following moving objocts can have the same maximum speed as a tsunami?
a. jet plane 6. car C. bicyclde d. cheetah
10. What is the outemost layer of the Eartn?
a. crust b. mantie C. inner core d. outer core

11. What is the best explanation why the inner cora solid?
a. because of extreme temperatures and pressures in tne inner core
b. because inner core is made up of metals like nickel and iron
C. because the inner core iS very dense due to fts composition
d. none of the above

12. What happens to the temperature of the layers of the Earth as we go deeper in it?
a. increesing b. decreasing C. remains the samee d. constant

13. Why is the Philippines prone to typhoons?
a. bacause it is near the Pacific Ocean where typhoons are bom
b because t is too hot in the Phiippines
c because of strong trade winds in the Philippines
d. None of the above