
2. What is the main difference between vertebrates and invertebrates?
A. Vertebrates are bigger in size than invertebrates.
B. Vertebrates and invertebrates have no difference.
C. Vertebrates live on land while invertebrates live on water.
D. Vertebrates have backbones while invertebrates do not have backbones..
3. Some mammals lay eggs. Which among these mammals are egg-laying?
A. anteater
D. goat
B. carabao
C. Cow
4. What are the small invertebrates that usually fly and have six legs?
A. birds
B. fishes
C. insects
D. spiders
5. How do snails and shellfish and differ from worm in terms of body structure?
A. Snails have segmented bodies while worms have soft bodies enclosed in a shell.
B. Snails have soft bodies enclosed in a shell while worms have soft and segmented
C. Snails have soft bodies with and a soft shell while worms have soft and soft
segmented bodies.
D. Snails have bodies with segmented legs and a soft shell while worms have hard
segmented bodies.​