Direction : Match column A with column B. Write the letter on the space provided for. Column A (Prevention )
_1. Keep the underside of your hood clean, and follow the manufacturer's guidelines for changing the filter regularly. _2. The gas is not detectable by sight, smell, or taste the EPA suggests testing. Hardware stores sell inexpensive kits to check the radon levels at home. _3. Verify that the stovetop is turned off when food is finished cooking. Clean the oven regularly, and never leave an oven unattended while in used. _4. Placing raw meat, seafood, and poultry in sealed containers or plastic bags to prevent their juices from contaminating other foods _5. Ensure pipes are properly lagged using suitable insulation material _6. Provide metal lidded bins for the disposal of ashtray contents and ensure they are emptied safely every day _7. Keep as little cash on the premises as possible and keep it out of public view. _8. Alarm system which will act as a deterrent and limit the time an intruder will have on your premises. _9. Clear up spillage promptly and post warning notices _10. Provide mechanical equipment e.g. trolleys to assist staff in unloading and moving deliveries.
Column B (Hazards) A.Bad storage habits in the refrigerator B. Burglary C.Greasy range hood and filter D. Manual handling or lifting E. Radon Gas F. Smoking G. Slips, Trips and Fall H. Stove and Oven hazards I .Theft of money J. Water escape