34. Line 3 suggests that prison birds are a. greedy b. happy c. lonely d. wealthy 35. Line 4 makes us think of freedom as a sign of a. despair b. joy c. regret d. wealth 36. Lines 4 and 5 appeal to the senses of a. touch b. hearing c. sight 37. Orchards in Line 5 means a piece of ground planted with a. orchids b. vegetables c. fruit trees d. mahos 38. Line 7 is an example of a. hyperbole b. metaphor c. personification C 39. The words delight, white, and sight found at the end of some line a. meter b. rhyme c. rhythm 40. Line 4 is an example of a. alliteration b. antithesis c. apostrophe 41. According to the poet in line 7, a. the sun is beautiful c. each day begins b. beauty is in the sun d. beauty is like t