7. Which of the following composers became popular because of his soothing baritone
a. Frank Sinatra b. Matt Monroe C. Nat King Cole d. Stevie Wonder
8. Which of the following is not songs of the Beatles in Rock n Roll?
a. Get Back b. I Saw Her Standing There c. Let's Go See the Stars d. While Guitar Gently weep
29. Who is the King of Rock and Roll and became a fashion icon?
a. Bruno Mars b. Elton John C. Elvis Presley d. Justin Bieber
10. Where is the instrumental sound became more tense and free, if the speed of
harmony, melody, and rhythm resulted in a heavy performance?
a. Bebop b. Big Band C. Jazz Rock d. Ragtime
_11. What do you called to amplified sound, emphatic beat and extremely diverse?
a. Ballad b. Disco C. Rock d. Super Nova
_12. Which of the following is called rhythmically chanted words?
a. Ballad b. Hip Hop c. Metal d. Rap
_13. Who became popular in the 70's.
a. Barbra Streisand b. Diana Ross c. Donna Summer d. Sharon Stone
_14. What group performed "We've Only Just Begun" song?
a. ABBA b. Beatles C. Spice Girls d. The Carpenters
_15. Which of the following is combination of Afro-American forms such as the blues, jump
blues jazz, and gospel music with the Western swing and country music?
a. Ballad b. Disco C. Pop Music d. Rock and Roll