1. mindoro's vocal music is used got communications with the spirits in rituals and worships, wedding, works, courtship, festive accasions, and lullabies. the following examples are of music of mindoro except for one.
a. Ambahan b. Kulial c. Karayaw d. Banduria
2. which of the following is NOT a characteristic of cordillera vocal music?
a. Have a different kinds of vocal form b. Musical meter without time signature c. sung against severap note passages d. vocal passage with one syllable
3. The name of the instrument comes from a spanish word which means lute.
a. Bajo de arco b. Octavina c. Laud d. Banduria
4. It is the largest among the instrument in most stringed ensembles-evident by its thick strings, larhe body and low tones
a. Ambahan b. Hudhud c. Ili-ili Tulog Anay d. Rosas Pandan
5. Which of the following places has musical characteristic that is highly spanish influenced because of the spanish colonization the philippines which lasted for almost 333 years?