a. Consumer Act b. Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act C. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Art d. Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act e. Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act f. Tobacco Regulation Act g. Cybercrime Prevention Act h. Anti-Child Pornography Act i. National Blood Services Act j. Anti-Hazing Law k. National Environmental Awareness and Education Act 1. Seat Belts Use Act m. Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Law
1. Provides for the inclusion of environmental education program in various national institutions. 2. Supervises the legal production of cigarette in the country. 3. Provides assistance for the prevention and control of AIDS. 4. Provides for the regulation of products and services being sold and offer in the country 5. Describes the blood donation program in the country. 6. Prohibits physical and emotional harm and abuse as initiation to a certain group 7. Penalizes vehicle drivers who are under the influence of drugs and alcohol 8. Provides for the regulation of narcotic and other related substances being sold/imported in the country 9. Identifies scientifically proven herbs as medicine plants 10. Penalizes vehicle users who will not wear safety belts while on the road.