Reveal the terms in column A by replacing the number with the vowels A(1) E (2) (3) 0(4) U(5) S 2 х 5 1 L Single individual produces offspring F R 1 M 2 NT 34 N Places of the parent breaks off and develops into a new animal 3 N 1 R Y Process in which an organism divides into two and grow into a new organism Process outgrowth or callus projecting from the paron and eventually buds off B 6 D D 3 N G P 1 R T H 2 N 4 G 2 N 2 S 3 5 Mechanism of sexual reproduction in which female offspring develops from unfertilized eggs T R 1 N 5 V 3 R 8 3 Fission that involves direct reproduction in which each portion regenerates missing parts to become a completo now animal depending on the axis of