
the 12 segments between the two concentric semicircle are each 0.5 meter long suppose the diameter of the inner diameter circle in 4 meters​

Sagot :


Mr. Javier designed an arch made of

bent iron for the top of a school’s main

entrance. The 12 segments between

the two concentric semicircles are

each 0.8 meter long. Suppose the

diameter of the inner semicircle is 4

meters. What is the total length of the

bent iron used to make this arch?

please help me to solve this problem, thatk you

Answer by KMST(5289) (Show Source): You can put this solution on YOUR website!

It may look like this:

or maybe the 12 straight segments are placed between the two semicircles

in a different arrangement.

There are 12 straight pieces measuring 0.8meters each, for a total of

12%280.8meters%29=9.6meters .

There are also 2 half-circle arcs.

The inside arc has a radius of 4meters%2F2=2+meters .

The outside arc has a radius of 2meters%2B0.8meters=2.8meters .

Since the circumference of a circle of radius R can be calculated as 2pi%2AR ,

the length of a semicircle of radius R can be calculated as

pi%2AR .

So, the length needed for the inside semicircle is

pi%2A%282meters%29=about6.28meters ,

and the length needed for the outside semicircle is

pi%2A%282.8meters%29=about8.80meters .

The total length of the bent iron used to make the arch is about

9.6meters%2B6.28meters%2B8.80meters=highlight%2824.68meters%29 .

Step-by-step explanation:

I hope help you