
Why are men usually perpetrators and women often victims?."​

Sagot :


In general, women and men commit similar rates of physical and psychological violence, but research shows that men commit sexual assault, coercive control, and stalking more often than women, and that women are often substantially more injured during domestic violence incidents. In relationships involving less serious "situational couple abuse," women and men are similarly likely to initiate physical violence; whereas, in relationships involving serious and very violent "intimate terrorism," men are far more likely to be perpetrators and women victims. Men's physical violence is more likely than women's to be motivated by dominance motivations, whereas women's violence is more likely to be motivated by self-defense and terror. Because of the many variations in attitudes and motives between men's and women's abuse, approaches focused on male models of partner violence are likely unsuccessful for many women, according to studies of couples in mutually abusive relationships.
