
Directions: Multiple
1. Which of the following local materials belongs to the Banana family that has
a natural luster fiber with colors ranging from pure white to ivory and dark brown?
a abaca b. nito c. bamboo d. buri
2. Which of the following local materials is used as a raw material in creating
many products, it is used in construction, textile, musical instruments, weapons, and many
a. abaca b. nito c. bamboo d. buri
3. Which of the following local materials is extracted from the matured leaves of
the buri palm and its fiber is durable and resistant to moisture?
a. abaca b. nito c. bamboo d. buri
4. Which of the following local materials belongs to the palm family with different
types such as high or low climbers
, single-stemmed, or clustered rattan species?
a. rattan b. tikiw c. pandan d. coir
5. Which of the following fibrous local materials is derived from the surrounding
of the coconut fruit?
a. rattan b. tikiw c. pandan d. coir
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