hazard market demand sanitation health benefit retailer prevent entrepreneur livelihood veterinarian seller hygiene 1. A person or business that sells goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or consumption rather than for resale. 2. The state of being free from illness or injury. 3. Set of activities essential to everyday life that are conducted over one's life span. 4. An advantage or profit gained from something. 5. A person who starts a business and is willing to risk loss in order to make money 6. A person who treat disease, disorder or injury in animals, which includes diagnosis, treatment and aftercare. 7. It refers to public health conditions related to clean drinking water and adequate treatment and disposal of human excreta and sewage 8. To stop something from happening or someone from doing something. 9. The total amount of goods and services that all consumers are willing and able to purchase at a specific price in a marketplace. 10. Any agent that can cause harm or damage to humans, property, or the environment.