
Discuss the significance of elements of fire to start the combustion​

Sagot :


Stages of combustion: flaming stages (see pictures from lab)

Pre-heating temperature of the fuel is raised to the point where gases start to volatize

Pre-ignition volatile materials in the fuel are vaporized

Flaming the ignition temperature of the fuel is reached and combustion begins

Transition fuel is partially consumed by combustion while flaming continues in portions of the fuel resulting in initiation of smoldering and smoke generation

Smoldering combustion of the fuel is essentially complete where oxygen is available and smoldering continues resulting in smoke generation

Glowing a stage of combustion where oxygen is limited

The four most important stages of combustion for prescribed burners are,

pre-ignition (fuel is about to burst into flame)

flaming active combustion

transition smoke generation begins

smoldering residual smoke production

Suppressing fire and smoke generation (segment on Suppression)

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