
which of the following nutrients is not found vegetebles​

Sagot :


1.Taurine is a sulfur compound that has

several functions in your body. It’s only found naturally in animal-based foods

but also available in synthetic supplement form.

2. Meat, especially red meat, contains a

type of iron called heme iron, which is much better absorbed than non-heme iron

from plant foods.

3.Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an

essential omega-3 fatty acid found in fatty fish and fish oil. It’s also

present in microalgae, which are a suitable dietary source for vegetarians and


4.Cholecalciferol (D3) is a type of

vitamin D found in animal-sourced foods, especially fatty fish, and it’s more

effective at raising blood levels of vitamin D than the plant form of vitamin D

(D2). Vegan vitamin D3 supplements can be purchased online.

5.Carnosine is a nutrient only found in

animal-derived foods. It’s important for muscle function. Beta-alanine

supplements increase the levels of carnosine in muscles.

6.Creatine is a bioactive compound that

is lacking in plant-based diets. It plays an important role in brain and muscle


7.Vitamin B12 is only found in animal and

fortified foods, as well as in small amounts in certain types of seaweed. People

following a vegan diet should supplement with a vegan vitamin B12 supplemen