
18. Formal education, colleges, non-formal education;
a. universities
b. Boy Scouts
c. Senior High School
d. Primary School

19. According to Abraham Maslow, what is the highest form of human need?
a. psychological needs
b. love and belonging
c. safety and security d.self-actualization

Basing from Maslow's hierarchy of needs, this is one characteristics of a self-actualized
a, negative thinker
b. selfish
C. acceptance and realism
d. fault finder
21. Wealth is one of the three most desired qualities in every society, and this was defined
a. accumulated economic capital of an individual or group.
b. capacity of an individual to influence another person to perform an act that he/she would
not otherwise do.
c. level of an honor to a certain society
d. benefits and privileges

22.It is the shift in social status or rank of an individual within the framework of a social
structure . An individual who gain position in a certain social class may progress to a higher
a. social mobility
b. social status
C. social symbol
d. social

23. Bhramin-
a. Priest, academics; Peasants, servants
c. Peasants, servants; Priest, academic
d.servants, academics

24. A classification of an individual or group of person having explicit societal status based
on acquired characteristics.
a. Class system
b. Caste system
c. Estate system
d. Slavery system

25. The term is derived from the Spaniard meaning "breed" and "varna" meaning. A
Hindu practice, tradition, and culture, which is rooted in divine sanction and custom.
a. Class system
b. Caste system
C. Estate system
d. Slavery

26. The state system is identical to the practice of feudalism. It has its root in pre-
Revolution in France, where individuals were rank according to three categories: Clergy,
nobility, and commoners. The final authority on this system is the king.
a. Class system
b. Caste system
c. Estate system
d. Slavery system

27. During the precolonial period, the Philippines had an open caste system that divided
the society. Which of the following belongs to the lowest caste system of Filipinos during
pre-colonial period.
a. Maharlika
b. Timawa
c. Alipin namamahay
d. aliping saguiguilid

28. This implies the division or classification of member of society into different strata,
promoting the development of hierarchy among social groups.
a. Social implication
b. Social stratification
c. Social desirable
d. social pyramid

29. A the dimensions of stratification that concerns the gap between the rich and the poor that is
define by Neckerman and Torche, 2007 I called
a. Social equality
b. Gender equality
c.Social inequality
d. Ethnic inequality

30. Defines that inequality is existing between and among ethnic minorities and other minorities.
a. Social exclusion
b.Racial Identity
c. Gender equality
d. Social inequality​