6. Maya and her friends went to the beach. They brought food for them to eat. After swimming and eating most of her friends left their wastes scattered on the beach. As a friend, what would you tell them? A. It's okay to throw garbage in the beach. B. Do not leave your wastes in the beach because it can cause pollution. C. Do not bring any food when going to the beach again. D. Ignore them. 7. Mang Berting is a fisherman. Fishing is his way of living to provide the needs of his family. He usually used dynamite when he goes fishing even though he knows that it is prohibited. If you are a fisherman, will you do the same as Mang Berting? Why or why not? A. Yes, because it is easy to catch fish using dynamite. B. No, because many aquatic animals will die. C. Yes, because it is the only way I can do to provide food for my family, D. No, because I am scared to be caught by the authority. 8. As a grade 5 pupil, in what way can you protect estuaries and intertidal zones? A.J oin organizations that promotes conversion of estuaries and intertidal zones to commercial areas. b. Practice actions that could put estuaries at risk. c. Take part in coastal clean-up drives and disseminate information on the proper care of estuaries. d. Dispose oil and other household waste on waterways. 9. If you are a leader in the community, what would be the best title a project that you will implement about conservation of bodies of water? A. Live Wild and Free B. Stay Safe and Healthy C. Save Water, Save Life D. Live the Life You Choose 10. How can you become a good steward of mother nature? i. Follow safety practices imposed by the authority. ii. Avoid using reusable materials at home. iii. Discourage others in planting different kinds of plants. А.i B.i &ii C.ii &iii D. ii &iii