IV. Matching type. Match the statement in column A to the answers written in column B. Write the letter of your correct answer 1. A pattern of attraction of the opposite gender 2. A sexual activity practiced by people before married 3. An intentional procedure to end a pregnancy 4. The 3rd stage of decision-making where it tells of the result or effect of an action. 5. A skill that helps you make decision based on your needs and desires. 6. It looks at the entirety of any given society's belief. 7. Number of steps in decision-making 8. A personal conflict due to te questioning of who you are. 9. It is a form of an idea of the amount number or value of. 10. A pattern of attraction to other person of the same gender B a. premarital sex b. consider the consequences c. six (6) d. abortion e evaluate f. homosexuality g. decision-making h. heterosexuality i. identity crisis j. culture