1. Light is _______________.
A. a wave only C. a particle and a wave
B. a particle only D.neither a particle nor a wave
2. As one approaches (gets closer) to a light bulb, the brightness of the bulb appears to _______________.
A. change in some unknown way C. increase (gets brighter)
B. decrease D.stay the same
3. In the visible spectrum, _______________ has the longest wavelength.
A. blue C.red
B. green D.violet
4. If the distance from a light source were increased to twice its original value, the illumination would be _______________.
A. doubled C. reduced to 1⁄4 its original value
B. halved D.increased to 4 times its original value
5. The SI unit for luminous intensity is _______________.
A. candela C. lux
B. lumen D.watts/m2