
The thing about climate change awareness is that we often don't think it would ever
happen to us, or affect us directly, especially for slow onset events like salinization or
in this case, sea level rise... What is alarming to realize is that the effects of slow
Onset events are here and now, felt by us. Slow onset events have always been harder
to justify and quandfy compared to typhoons, heat waves or floods as the effects are
cumulate and not readily seen or felt. That is until now. What's worse is that slow
onset evenes, by reason of the word slow, are effects that are results of action from
decades ago. If we see this sea level rise as a result of actions from years that weren't
even as record breaking as those we have now, with behaviors that weren't as
destructive as what we have now, what are we in for the future?" (July 15, 2018)​