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Common Concepts in Drug Education
The following are the common words in studying substance use and ab
Drugs are any substances or chemicals which when taken into the L
either through nasal, oral, transdermal or intravenous way, have psycholog
Drugs of abuse are drugs commonly abused by users. In the Philips
the three most common drugs of abuse are shabu, marijuana and inhalants.
Drug dependence is a cluster of physiological, behavioral and cog
phenomena of variable intensity in which the use of a drug takes on a
priority, thereby creating a strong desire to take the substance.
Drug misuse is the use of a substance incoherent or inconsistent w
Drug abuse is the use of a substance for non-medicinal purposes.
prescribed dosage or frequency of use.
emotional and behavioral effects on a person
troubled behavioral patterns.
Drug tolerance is the condition of the body to adapt to the ef
substances to the body, thus requiring an even larger amount of the subs
experience the same physiological and mental effect experienced when ta
smaller dosage.
Learning Task 3: Fill in the necessary concepts about each term re
drugs. Add more tags if necessary. Do this in your notebook.
arning Task 4: Draw a silhouette of a man or woman's figure.​