Directions: Read, analyze and solve. Write your solution. (3 POINTS EACH)
1. A car sells for 650 000 and the dealer gets a 12% commission. How much will the dealer
receive as a commission?
What are given?
Final answer:
2. Vaughn, a sales agent, has an income of 45,000 and receives a commission of 5% on all sales above
50,000. If his basic salary is 15 500, what is his total sales?
What are given?
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3. A sofa set marked 27 000. A tax of 5% is added. What is the total cost of the sofa set?
What are given?
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4. Bong borrowed 125,000 from a cooperative bank. At the end of 2 years he has to pay back 8% interest.
How much is the interest?
What are given?
Final answer:
5. Keith has 50,000 in his savings account. If the rate of interest is 4% a year, how much interest does his
money earn? How much money will he have in all?
What are given?
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