1. Fillet Weld Gauge is not an essential weld quality testing tool in welding. 2. Visual inspection is a non-destructive testing (NDT) weld quality testing process where a weld is examined with the eye to determine surface discontinuities. It is the most common method of weld quality testing. 3. To start, protective clothing and equipment must not be worn during all welding operation including helmets and shields. 4. When welding or cutting is being performed in any confined space, the gas cylinders and welding machines shall be left on the outside. Before operations are started, heavy portable equipment mounted on wheels shall be securely blocked to prevent accidental movement. 5. The best way to organize our welding shop is to think about the flow of work through it and place the materials, machines and equipment in a logical place and manner that meets your requirements and keeps the operation efficient. 6. Leather gloves should not be used to pick up hot items, since this causes the leather to become stiff and crack. 7. A disorganized shop saves time money and effort in many different ways. 8. Anything that is combustible or flammable is susceptible to ignition by cutting and welding 9. When arc welding is suspended for any substantial period of time, such as during lunch or overnight, all electrodes will be removed from the holders with the holders carefully located so that accidental contact cannot occur. 10. After welding operations are completed, the welder will mark the hot metal or provide some other means of warning other workers.