1. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter on a separate sheet of paper 1. What is a procedure a. It shows steps on how to do something b. It tells a story C. A Point of view d. All of the above 2. What is the purpose of a procedure a. It testifies why something is done b. It instructs how something should be done or made. c. It modifies a position d. It shows action of something 3. What is the language feature of a procedure? a. Using names to start a sentence. b. Uses phrase to start a sentence. c. Uses verb to start a sentence d. Uses nothing to start a sentence 4. What is an example of a procedure? a. Recipe b. Quotations с. Мар d. Diary 5. What is an example of procedure a. Composing a song b. How to plant c. Writing a card d. Cleaner Irocount