
what is your insight about the diagnostic present of evolution condition of our planet?​

Sagot :


Questions about the origins and nature of Earth have long preoccupied human thought and

the scientific endeavor. Deciphering the planet’s history and processes could improve the ability to predict catastrophes like earthquakes and volcanoes, to manage Earth’s resources, and

to anticipate changes in climate and geologic processes. This report captures, in a series of

questions, the essential scientific challenges that constitute the frontier of Earth science at the

start of the 21st century.

Earth is an active place. Earthquakes rip along

plate boundaries, volcanoes spew fountains of

molten lava, and mountain ranges and seabed are

constantly created and destroyed. Earth scientists have long

been concerned with deciphering the history—and predicting

the future—of this active planet. Over the past four decades,

Earth scientists have made great strides in understanding

Earth’s workings. Scientists have ever-improving tools to

understand how Earth’s internal processes shape the planet’s

surface, how life can be sustained over billions of years,

and how geological, biological, atmospheric, and oceanic

processes interact to produce climate—and climatic change.

At the request of the U.S. Department of Energy, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Science Foundation, and U.S. Geological

Survey, the National Research Council assembled a committee to propose and explore grand questions in Earth science. This report, which is the result of the committee’s deliberations and input

solicited from the Earth science community, describes ten “big picture” Earth science issues being

pursued today. Answers to these fundamental questions could profoundly improve understanding

of the planet on which we live and strategies for managing our environment.
