
Column A
1. It is a dance style that began
in Zaire in the late 1980s,
popularized by Kanda Bongo Man.
2. It is South African three-
chord township music of the 1930s-
1960s which evolved into African
3. It is a popular form of South
African music featuring a lively and
uninhibited variation of the
4. It is a musical style from
Nigeria that relies on the traditional
Yoruba rhythms, where instruments
are more Western in origin.
5. It is a popular genre from
Salvador, Bahia, and Brazil
6. It is a Jamaican musical style
that was influenced by the island's
traditional mento music
7. It is a hard and fast
percussive Zimbabwean dance.
8. It is dance music from Cuba,
Puerto Rico, and Colombia.
9. It is a musical genre from
Nigeria in the Yoruba tribal style.
10. It is used to describe fusion
of Western African with Black
American music.​