
how did you came up with the tools that you have identified as we long as information and communication technology​

Sagot :


The Internet is not widely available in most LDCs; radio and TV are

Broadcast technologies such as radio and television have a much greater penetration than the Internet throughout much of the developing world, and the substantial gap is not expected to be closed soon.

Radio and TV can have high start-up costs, and reinforce existing pedagogical styles

Educational initiatives that utilize radio and television typically have quite high initial start-up/capital costs, but once they are up and running, on-going maintenance and upgrade costs are much lower (making initiatives utilizing radio and TV for distance learning in the education sector particularly appealing for donor support in many cases). One-to-many broadcast technologies like radio and television (as well as satellite distribution of electronic content) are seen as less ‘revolutionary’ ICTs in education, as their usage is seen as reinforcing of traditional instructor-centric learning models, unlike computers, which many see as important tools in fostering more learner-centric instructional models.

Radio instruction has been used widely and is reasonably well studied

Radio instruction in formal education has been well studied, especially the links between the use of radio in combination with school-based educational resources and a variety of pedagogical practices.

TV has been used with success in a few places

Television has been utilized successfully as a mechanism for reaching out-of-school youth in a number of countries, especially in Latin America and China, and the results of such projects have been widely disseminated.

In some cases, where markets have been liberalized, ICTs are used to distribute educational content regionally within a country

Market liberalization has in many countries allowed for the development of locally- (as opposed to centrally-) controlled distribution channels that utilize ICTs (like radio and the Internet, and to a lesser extent television) to create and broadcast educational content more targeted to the needs of specific communities, and as a result have a greater flexibility to employ local languages.

CAI is not highly regarded by experts and in OECD countries, but still, receives much interest in LDCs

The usefulness of computer-aided instruction (CAI), in which computers are seen as simple replacements for teachers, has been largely discredited, although there appears to still be great interest in CAI in many LDCs where computers are being introduced.

It is unclear where to place computers to make sure they are used most efficiently

There is very little research on the most appropriate placement of computers in schools, or in the community, used to achieve various learning objectives.

Multi-channel learning is a useful concept

The emerging practice of ‘multi-channel learning’, which focuses on enriching the educational experience by engaging all resources that are available to help effect incremental change by coordinating the various ways to connect learners with information, knowledge, and stimulation, and to mediate those interactions, provides valuable insight into how blended learning approaches can be delivered and tailored in areas of great resource scarcity.

Satellite is much hyped but under-studied

While satellite broadcasting of electronic educational resources is thought to hold much promise, there are few case studies of successful implementation of satellite broadcasting to small LDCs.

New Internet technologies hold promise but are not yet operational

Emerging Internet technologies, especially recent and emerging wireless protocols (including 802.11, and shortly WiMax), are thought to hold much promise for providing connectivity to remote areas, but projects utilizing such technologies are for the most part in pilot or planning stages, and face many regulatory hurdles.

Mobile Internet centers (vans, etc.) are being deployed as a way to reach rural areas

A number of educational initiatives utilizing mobile Internet centers have been piloted in the past decade, but little cost and impact data has emerged from such projects.

Community telecentres are a hot topic, but successful, replicable models have not yet emerged

Community telecentres (sometimes based in schools) have be touted as important tools to provide access to learners (including teachers engaged in personal enrichment and professional development opportunities) to ICTs outside of formal school settings.

The use of handheld devices is just now receiving serious widespread attention

Little research has been done on uses of handheld devices (including personal digital assistants and mobile phones) in education.

‘Free software’ holds promise, but costs and impact are still not well documented

The uses of ‘free’ software is widely touted as a cost-effective alternative to the uses of proprietary software (especially Microsoft products), but research in this area is largely advocatory in nature.