
V1. Answer the following questions. Write the letter of your choice on your answer sheet.

1 It is a area in warm coastal region where mangrove trees are found
a. Tropical rain forest
b. Mangrove swap
c. Mangrove Island
d. Desert region

2. It is a water that composed of salt water and fresh water.
a. tap water
b. mineral water
c. blackish water
d. alkaline water

3. The following are example of biotic component except?
a water
b plants
c. animals
d micro organisms

4. While Lheane is walking near mangrove swamps area. she notice different kind of fishes
lurking below the exposed roots of the tree what this scenano signify?
a. The mangrove provide habitat for different kind of fishes
b. Mangrove protect the land from flooding
c. Mangrove provide a source of livelihood
d. Mangrove maintains the balance of the ecosystem

5. Where do usually mangrove swamps located?
a tropical coastal area
b tropical high elevated area
c. tropical below sea level
d all of the above​