
3.Individuals with this disorder experience disturbed eating either due to a lack of interest in eating.
a. Avoidant
c.emotional eating
b. Nocturnal eating
4. It is increase in body weight.
a. Weight gain
c. Weight management
b.Weight loss
d. Weight nourishment
5.It is the phrase used to describe both techniques and underlying physiological processes that contribute
to a person's ability to
Attain and maintain a certain weight.
a. Weight gain
c. Weight management
b.Weight loss
d. Weight nourishment
6.It is from obligations, work and tasks required for existing like sleeping and eating.
c. Play
b. Recreation
d. All of the above
7.It is an imaginative, intrinsically motivated, non-serious, freely chosen, and actively engaging activity.
c. Play
b. Recreation
d. All of the above
8.It is an activity that people engage in during their free time which they enjoy and recognize as having
socially redeeming values and generates a general sense of well-being.
a Leisure
c. Play
b. Recreation
d. All of the above
9.It refers to how often you involve yourself in regular physical activity or exercise.
a. Frequency
10. It refers to how hard you should exercise or level of difficulty of physical activity.
a. Frequency
b. Time
d. Type