because gasoline is volatile b, because gasoline is flammable d. all of the above 21. Emman cut his finger accidentally when he was cutting his nails. He has to apply something on his wou d. acetone . a. formalin C. water 22. Why is it important to know the properties of common liquid materials? a. to know the use of liquids so that it will not be infected. Which compounds should he use? b. isopropyl alcohol c. to know how these liquid affect per b. to know the possible danger from these kind of material d. all of the above 23. Which hydrocarbon compound has a double bond in the molecule? a. ethane b. methane d. propyne c. propene 24. To which group of hydrocarbon does the molecule with structure H-C=C-H belong? a. alkane b. alkyne a. disinfectant d. cleaning agent b. medicine d. none of the above c. alkene 25. Methane is a component of natural gas. What is the common use of methane? c. fuel 26. Maria wants to preserve a fish for her biology class. What kind of compound should she d. acetone C. ethyl alcohol the animal? a. acetic acid b. formaldehyde 27. Which of the following unit is used in expressing the amount of substance in term d. Celsius