1. This is the actuall personal connections that you make between yourself and the selection you are dealing with. a. Text-to-self connections b. Text-to-text connections c. Text-to-world connections 2. It is the connections where you relate one material to another that you have read or have already come across. a. Text-to-self connections b. Text-to-text connections C. Text-to-world connections 3. It is the larger connections that a reader brings to a reading situation including our perception of the world. a. Text-to-self connections b. Text-to-text connections c. Text-to-world connections 4. It is to make marks on the text. a. organizing b. annotating c. drafting 5. The following are the benefits of annotating according to Azevedo (2017)except one. a. It makes you more engaged in the material. b. It slows your reading that helps you to focus on details and have better retention and comprehension. c. It helps you process what you are reading. d. It makes you uninterested of the material. 6. VUCA is an acronym based on the leadership theoriesof Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus, that stands for a. volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambition b. volume, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity c. volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity d. volatility, unconditional, complexity, and ambiguity