
1. Identify the different parts of the cell,
2 Desembe how plant and animal cell differ from each other
3. Explain the importance of each part of the cell.
4. Apply things learned for everyday living​

Sagot :


A. Write the word TURE If the statement is correct and FALSE If it is not.

1. E-mall marketing Includes e-commerce, promotional or Informative website and online advertising on search engine. 2. Fruits are ready for harvest at the right degrees of maturity. 3. According to research, it has been noted that people check their emails 8 or

more times a day.

4. Market your content and brand increases brand awareness and website traffic. 5. Email Marketing is leading the way for sales by sending helpful, relevant messages to the email contacts that have subscribed to receive emails from you.

6. Reaching out to customers has become casier through online media.

7. Online marketing is also referred as another tool for digital or internet marketing. 8. The use of flyer for marketing fruits and seedlings is cheap to produce and convenient. 9. Online marketing is the process of selling products to the marketplace. 10. Web marketing involves both advertising and marketing efforts through e-mail

current customers and prospective customer as well

messages to

11. Posting updates on social media go viral within seconds. 12. Advertising through digital medium involves publishing your ads on various web sites, and

social media platforms. 13. Online survey can be sent as web forms, generally on email or you can create a page on

your website for the survey form.

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